
La SCA è in lutto per la recente scomparsa all'età di 63 anni, dopo una breve malattia, del molto amato e ammirato membro del direttivo, dottor Christopher Baker.

Nato a Brisbane nel 1957, Christopher si era trasferito a Melbourne nel 1978. Colto e altamente qualificato, aveva ricoperto importanti ruoli in varie istituzioni, prima di ritirarsi.

Con la moglie Kerry, scomparsa tre anni or sono, si sono spesso recati all’estero, soprattutto in Italia e naturalmente hanno visitato la Sardegna. Christopher era diventato membro del direttivo della SCA, solo dal 2018, ma ne era da subito diventato parte integrante, “Sono orgoglioso di appartenere all’Australia multiculturale e voglio contribuire al SCA”, aveva affermato alla sua nomina nel direttivo.

Ha maggio di quest’anno gli era stato conferito il "Certificato di Riconoscimento" della SCA (Ref. soto), per il contributo ai lavori del direttivo e per essere stato la forza trainante che ha permesso di pubblicare il libro Terra Sarda l’11 novembre scorso, che aveva fatto incorniciare e appeso sopra il camino, perché voleva che tutti coloro che entrassero in casa sua si rendessero conto di quanto era orgoglioso del riconoscimento.

Circa tre settimane prima della sua scomparsa Christopher ha detto al Presidente della SCA - Paolo Lostia, "Sono orgoglioso di chiamarti mio amico".

Lostia, dopo aver avuto le triste ma onorato onore di partecipare al funerale privato di Christopher, ha detto dopo la cerimonia inizialmente a livello personale, "Christopher ha affrontato la sua grave situazione medica con grande coraggio qualcosa di cui dubbio che sarei in grado di fare io". Dopo di che, a nome del direttivo della SCA Lostia ha affermato, "Ci consideriamo fortunati di aver incontrato una persona del calibro di Christopher, non solo un amico, ma un mentore e promotore dei valori della famiglia, la collettività e il multiculturalismo, che aveva enorme rispetto sia per il popolo aborigeno sia per le comunità di migranti residenti in Australia”. Infatti Christopher spesso giustamente diceva che "A parte del popolo aborigino tutti gli altri in Australia sono migranti o di origine migrante.

Alla fine Lostia e la SCA si uniscono alla sua da lungo tempo amica di famiglia Michelle, che lo a curato fino alla sua scomparsa, al fratello Dick e alla sorella Andrea affermando, "Christopher, sarai per sempre nei nostri cuori e pensieri, ci mancherai molto, riposa in pace ci augurami di potere avere la forza e l'impegno di praticare il tuo valori umani".

->> Uno dei tanti successi di Christopher



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Earlier this year, prior to the severe COVID-19 restrictions, the Queensland Sardinian Culture Club hosted a visit from members of the Sardinian Cultural Association of Melbourne - President Paolo Lostia and Treasurer Giovanna Ruiu.

The occasion was the Queensland formal launch of the recipe Book, "Terra Sarda - Sardinian Home Cooking in Australia". This wonderful book has been written from the heart to preserve and celebrate family traditions in Australia and for the next generations.

It has been agreed that the Book will also be formally launched in NSW, once the COVID-19 situation permits us to do so.

This Project, which was generously funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, represented a partnership between the Sardinian Associations of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

If you wish to purchase this Book, please contact the respective Club Presidents Paolo Lostia (Vic) - 0419 872 091, Pietro Schirru (NSW) - 0418 244 075 or Fausto Zanda (Qld) - 0413 956 728.

Images of the Brisbane launch follow:

From left to right - Paul Lostia, Giovanna Ruiu & Fausto Zanda

From left to right - Paul Lostia, Giovanna Ruiu & Fausto Zanda

Posted by: Dianna Mellino - Secretary , Queensland Sardinian Culture Club (Ulisse Usai) & Paul Lostia - President Sardinian Cultural Association Melbourne

Posted by: Dianna Mellino - Secretary , Queensland Sardinian Culture Club (Ulisse Usai) & Paul Lostia - President Sardinian Cultural Association Melbourne

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In a recent piece written by the SCA's Jennifer Curcio, of "Decisive Cravings - Melbourne food cafe and restaurant reviews" - decisivecravings.com.au which also featured on "SBS On Demand"- sbs.com.au/ondemand, Jennifer said:

"The legacy of the Sardinian community in Australia lives on in this new cookbook.

Jennifer went on to say "Cooking and eating both have a way of transporting us to some of our fondest memories. For me, its coffee bubbling in a Bialetti, or peeling open a milky green fig from my father's garden.

From a simple smell or flavor, a place or moment can simmer to the surface. For migrants, in particular, preparing and enjoying meals can make their homeland feel closer, the memories just as important as the way the food tastes.

After running a series of classes taught by local cooks, the Sardinian Cultural Association in Melbourne wanted to find another way to keep their community's food and stories alive.

It collaborated with the Sardinian Association of Sydney and the Queensland Sardinian Culture Club to create Terra Sarda (Land of Sardinia) – a cookbook featuring recipes from the Sardinian community across Australia.

For those unfamiliar with Sardinia – an island west of Italy's mainland, the cookbook provides a thorough overview of Sardinian cuisine, history and dishes. 

Australia's most famous Sardinian chefs and champions of its cuisine, Giovanni Pilu of Pilu at Freshwater and Pietro Porcu of Da Noi in Melbourne, have also contributed to the book. 

Terra Sarda preserves Sardinian home cooking traditions in Australia not only for Sardinians but for all Australians.

It reflects the diversity of Australian food culture today.

Regardless of blood or nationality, by cooking a dish from someone else's kitchen, we have the power to keep food traditions alive and create new memories of our own".

We encourage you, your families and friends to buy the book for yourself or to give as a nice gift. 

- Cost : $40 plus $10 postage & handing, to purchase tel. 9458 2614 or email sardi.melbourne@bigpond.com

Finally, the following two links provide a magnificent series of behind the scenes and other photographs, courtesy of Paolismith Creative and David Mitchener. 

·                     https://flic.kr/s/aHsmL56NzL

·                     https://www.flickr.com/gp/94264880@N06/264z6m


Student Exchange Program between the Convitto Nazionale in Cagliari & Marcellin College in Bulleen proves to be an outstanding success

Made possible and funded by the Sardinian Cultural Association (SCA) in collaboration with the Centro Europeo Diffusione Informazione Sardegna (CEDISE)

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The recently undertaken review of the first Cultural exchange between Cagliari and Bulleen, sponsored by the SCA, was found by all stakeholders to be extremely successful.

Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, in the first half of 2019, between the SCA, the Convitto Nazionale Cagliari, - www.convittocagliari.edu.it/index.php, Marcellin College Bulleen - www.marcellin.vic.edu.au and the Centro Europeo Diffusione Informazione Sardegna www.cedise.net, two boys were able to take advantage of this exciting Cultural Scholarship.

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of the SCA, between July and August of 2019 a fourth year Secondary School Student of the Convitto, Alessandro Corda, had the opportunity to stay for six weeks in Melbourne where he attended classes at Marcellin, and was hosted by the family of the same age Matthew Broggian who, in turn, went to Cagliari between December and January. The boys were also able to visit the two capital cities, Canberra and Rome.

In a recent interview with the "Il Globo" newspaper Paolo (Paul) Lostia - President of the SCA stated "It has been about 2 years since SCA has dedicated itself to developing this Project". He went on to say "The SCA is very happy to collaborate once again with Marcellin, also underlining the SCA's long-standing relationship with Marcellin, having previously worked on other successful Projects".

For the SCA, the beginning of this new Cultural and Educational initiative is a recognition of the important role played by the SCA in the diffusion of Sardinian culture and traditions, as well as bilateral relations between Italy and Australia. For their part, both Marcellin and the Convitto agree on the importance of these exchanges, as they allow the students to immerse themselves in the language as well as the Italian and Australian social fabric.

In addition, both schools have agreed to consider increasing the number of students involved for the next exchange due in 2021.

Alessandro (3rd. from left) arrives in Melbourne

Alessandro (3rd. from left) arrives in Melbourne

Matthew (3rd. from left) arrives in Cagliari

Matthew (3rd. from left) arrives in Cagliari

Upon their return the students prepared a written Report of their experience for their respective Schools and the SCA. In the case of the student from the Convitto copies of his report was made available to SCA Members and "Simpatizzanti"  Whereas in the case of the student from Marcellin College, he presented his Report in person, together with his family, and a representation from Marcellin College at the SCA's 2020 AGM held earlier this year.

The two reports referred to above can be viewed by clicking below:



VICTORIAN SENIORS "GET IN THE GROOVE" FESTIVAL EXTENDED TO 31/10/2020 Enjoy a whole range of virtual & other forms of activities!

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Welcome to the 2020 Victorian Seniors Festival, now extended to 31/10/2020


This year the Festival's theme is "Get in the Groove".

2020 marks the Festival's 38th year and the organisers, the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services -  https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au, are delighted to present the Festival to you in honor of Seniors in Victoria.

Seniors across Victoria are encouraged to "Get in the Groove"  by participating in person or in other forms, together with their family and friends.

The Festival is being brought straight into your home, through Online Performances, "Zoom" Interviews, Story Telling, Q & A Forums, Health Services, as well as Traditional Public Events and plenty more, all generally free or low cost, all in line with the latest COVID-19 regulations.

For further information, such as Dates & Program Schedule, advance bookings etc., please click here -

·         https://www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au/festivalsandawards 

·         https://www.melbournepoint.com.au/events/victorian-seniors-festival

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"74th Anniversary of the Italian Republic 2/06/2020"

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"Noi della SCA Riconosciamo e celebriamo il 74mo. Anniversario della Repubblica Italiana, di cui la Sardegna fa parte con grande orgoglio.

 Quest'anno, a causa della Pandemia COVID-29, non e stato possibile celebrare come avremmo voluto questa importante commemorazione. Pero' abbiamo registrato il breve video che si trova tramite il seguente "Link - Festa della Repubblica" per rievocare questa ricorrenza, che per tutti noi di origine Italiana, consideriamo molto importante, e che spero sia di vostro gradimento.

Con la speranza di ritrovarci tutti il prossimo anno a festeggiare il 2 giugno come nostra consuetudine, vi porgo un caloroso saluto con lo strillo “Evviva l'Italia e Evviva l'Australia” !

         Francesco Pascalis/Paolo Lostia

         Presidente Comites Victoria e Tasmania & Socio della SCA/Presidente SCA


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 Accesso & Supporto:

Ha più di 65 anni ed ha bisogno di support in casa? Noi possiamo assisterla ad accedere il supporto finanziato dal governo.

Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) è un’organizzazione che supporta gli anziani di varie etnie e culture a vivere indipendentemente a casa il più a lungo possibile. AMCS sta offrendo un servizio gratuito che si chiama Access & Support il cui scopo è di assistere la comunità ad accedere ai servizi di assistenza anziani finanziati dal governo.

In che modo un lavoratore di accesso e supporto può aiutarla?

L'operatore di accesso e supporto può parlarle della gamma di servizi di supporto che potrebbero essere disponibili e di come accedervi. L'operatore di accesso e supporto può lavorare in collaborazione con altre persone che ti supportano come familiari, amici, la tua comunità, il tuo medico e altri professionisti della salute.

Un lavoratore di accesso e supporto può aiutarla a:

  • Capire come funzionano i servizi

  • Scoprire quali servizi sono disponibili

  • Capire come fare domanda per i servizi

  • Contattare My Aged Care per i servizi di assistenza anziani (se lei è anziano)

  • Contattare i responsabili degli assessment per HACC (il programma per le persone più giovani) se lei è più giovane

  • Contattare il National Disability Insurance Scheme (se pensa di poter accedere a questo servizio)

  • Pensare ad eventuali domande durante il colloquio

  • Pensare a come vorrebbe ricevere i servizi

 Per ulteriori informazioni, Clicca qui

Se lei o qualcuno che conosce avete bisogno di assistenza, per favore:

Chiamate Shreen al (03) 8371 2327
O mandate un’email a shereen.quartarone@amcservices.org.au
Può visitare il sito web di AMCS al https://www.amcservices.org.au/

Access & Support:

Are you over 65 years of age and need support in your home?  We can assist you to access government funded support

Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) is an organisation supporting multicultural seniors to live independently at home for as long as possible. It is offering a free service called Access and Support which aims to assist the community to access government funded Aged Care services.

How can an Access and Support worker help you?

The Access and Support worker can talk with you about the range of support services that may be available to you and how to access them. The Access and Support worker can work in partnership with other people who support you such as family members, friends, your community, your doctor, and other health professionals.

An Access and Support Worker can help you to:

  • Understand how services work

  • Find out what services may be available

  • Understand the steps involved to apply for a service

  • Contact My Aged Care for aged care services (if you are an older person)

  • Contact an assessment person for HACC (program for Younger People services) if you are a younger person

  • Contact the National Disability Insurance Scheme (if you think you may be eligible for this service)

  • Think about any questions you have for the assessment process

  • Think about how you would like the service to be provided

 For more information please click here

If you or someone you know need any assistance, please

call Shereen on (03) 8371 2327
email shereen.quartarone@amcservices.org.au
Visit the AMCS website on https://www.amcservices.org.au/

Saluti / Regards

Shereen Quartarone ∙ Care Advisor
Australian Multicultural Community Services